Parish Council 

The Parish Council represents the St. Thomas Aquinas Community and advises the pastor in teaching, prayer, community and sacraments so that people are empowered to fulfill Christ’s mission.  The term of service for all members is three years and is limited to two consecutive terms. However, members who are officers (president, vice-president, and secretary) serve two years in the officer role with an additional year as a regular member.

Contact: Patrick Price, President

Please call the parish office at 317-253-1461 for the email or phone contact information of any parish council member.

2024-2025 STA Parish Council Members

(July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)

Fr. Varghese Maliakkal, Pastor
Patrick Price, President
Fred Chandler, Vice-President
Geoff Ziegler, Secretary and Stewardship
Sheila Brown
Mary Catharine Grau, School Commission
Matt Hayes, Spiritual Life
Karla Hudecek, Pastoral Associate/DRE
Rachael Hudson, Youth Representative
Rocky Marsh, Community Engagement
Teresa Reynolds-Settani
Mary Rice, Liturgy
Evelyn Ridley-Turner
John Sobotowski, Finance
Nancy Stark
Jim Trippi, Dialogue, Truth, and Faith

STA Parish Council Goals

STA Parish Council Goals 2022-2025

Meeting minutes: