St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Parish is a diverse and welcoming community, seeking to serve the will of God
and striving to live the gospel of Jesus Christ through prayer, vibrant liturgy, educational excellence,
personal sharing and social action. All are welcome to join us for liturgy and events.
Catch up on St. Thomas Parish news and events below!
Please help us pray for each other and watch for announcements from St. Thomas Parish.
Please pray for our parishioners
Rest In Peace:
James L. Kiesler, Sr., father of parishioner Jay Kiesler
Sister Constance “Connie” Kramer, SP, former STA Director of Religious Education/Pastoral Ministry
Longtime parishioner Tom Chiplis
Longtime parishioner Bill Larson
Eleanor M. “Spin” O’Brien, mother of parishioner Mary Carpenter and mother-in-law of parishioner Dan Carpenter
STA school graduate Keith Jennings
Longtime parishioner Jewell Etienne, wife of parishioner Duane Etienne
Longtime parishioner Bill Walasinski
Marion Batt Mannheim, mother of parishioner Sarah Batt
Lois Leonhard, mother of parishioner Julie Sherer and mother-in-law of parishioner Tim Sherer
Stephen R. Bezy, a longtime parishioner
Judy Sitzman, sister-in-law of longtime parishioner Dottie Weidekamp
Maxine M. Ferguson, a longtime parishioner
Margaret M. Chiplis, a longtime parishioner and wife of parishioner Tom Chiplis
Krista Grange, sister of parishioner Peg McLeish-Minnis and sister in-law of parishioner Andy Minnis
Sister Sue Jenkins, a longtime parishioner
Mark Gibson, a longtime parishioner
Alice Allen (Brady), sister of longtime parishioner Phil Brady, a graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas School in 1949
Aaron Thiel, the brother of parishioner Joy Ziegler
Felicitas Jose, longtime parishioner
Janice Louise Meier, mother of parishioner Chris Meier
Tom Moran, brother of parishioner Malcolm Moran