Boulevard Place Food Pantry:
Mission Statement: Providing emergency food to people in need
in our community and surrounding area
The Boulevard Place Food Pantry is a work of St. Vincent de Paul and is located at the intersection of 42nd St. and Boulevard Place. Sponsored by 5 Catholic parishes, it provides emergency food for those in need. A family representative may come once a week to receive between 17 or 25 items (depending on family size) of food or supplies (such as soap personal items, and diapers). Recipients are offered a choice of items, except on the Wednesday drive-up when they receive a pre-packed order. Recipients must live within one of 5 zips codes (46205, 26208, 46220, 46240, 46260) and are required to provide a piece of mail with their name and address on it (e.g. a utility bill) no more than 2 months old. Recipients must attest that they are under the most recent income USDA guidelines in order to receive food from The Federal Emergency Food Program (TEFAP).
The pantry is open
- Wednesday from 10am to 12 noon (drive up only)
- Thursday from 10am to 4pm (inside shopping)
- Saturday from 9am to 12 noon (inside shopping)
Volunteers in this ministry check in clients, fill orders, stock shelves, pack and sort food, and help clean the pantry. We need people who can give 4-20 hours per month.
For more information, contact the Pantry Director at