Haiti Committee
There are many opportunities for persons of any background or talent in this vital STA ministry. The Haiti committee promotes exchange and communication through interaction with our sister parish, St. Jean-Marie at Belle-Riviere, Haiti. The committee members attempt to convey both the beauty and extreme poverty of Haiti through an annual report, regular news updates, photo/info displays, school visits, website displays, and email messages. Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in the Bethany Room. General time commitment is 2-3 hours per month or whatever the individual is willing to invest.
Contact: Fred & Doris Chandler, fdchandler@aol.com
On the third Sunday of the month people of both parishes remember and pray for each other as we celebrate Eucharist in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In the breaking of the bread and the sharing of the cup we affirm our connectedness through Jesus. He continues to call us to walk with our sisters and brothers by providing monetary, informational, and hands-on support.
Since 1990 generous giving on the part of St. Thomas Aquinas parishioners and the many friends of Belle-Rivière has resulted in significant improvements to the quality of life in this mountainous Haitian village. These include the establishment of a K-13 education system, a school lunch program, water filtration and support for the medical clinic, just to name a few. Once a year parishioners and friends collect school supplies, clothing, household goods, and more to send to the people of Belle-Rivière.
Communication between B-R and STA is frequent and on-going. The Haitian pastor provides updates on the school, the medical clinic, and accounts for funds received. We are told of projects completed and current needs, sometimes with photos, and videos. In turn, the Haiti Committee conveys these messages to the STA parish through an annual report, news updates, photo/info displays, and website links.
If you are inclined to share your treasure, donations can be made in the following ways:
- Checks can be mailed to: STA Haiti Fund, 4625 N. Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46208
- On-line donations are accepted at https://staindy.weshareonline.org/
- Parishioners may also use the purple envelopes in their bi-monthly packets.
100% of all donations are used to directly benefit the people of Belle-Riviere.
In addition, Haitian coffee, chocolate, and artifacts can be purchased through a partnership with Singing Rooster. Every purchase earns a small profit for our sisters and brothers in Haiti, using this link only: https://singingrooster.org/partner/685.