K-8th Tuition and Fees

A $400 registration fee is applicable to all K-8 students. This fee includes book, technology,and activity fees. For returning families, fees are billed in Smart Tuition in April 2024. This secures your child’s spot for the following academic year.

Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is as follows:

Participating Parish* Families  STA Community Families 
1 Child $5,993 $9,574
2 Children $10,907 $17,423
3 Children $14,742 $23,550
4 Children $17,499 $27,953

Based on family income (AGI on the 2023 Federal Income Taxes) you may qualify for Indiana Choice Scholarships (voucher). Other financial aid may be available via tax credit scholarships through the Institute for Quality Education or other local financial assistance. Please email Mrs. Borland, bborland@staindy.org, for more information.

St. Thomas uses Smart Tuition (Blackbaud) for tuition management and collection.  Tuition due dates:

● In one payment due July 2024
● Installment plans are available via SMART Tuition to collect, record, and deposit
tuition payments.  Tuition payments may be made annually, by semester or over ten
(10) months (July – April).

*In order to qualify for the parishioner tuition rate, families must be registered members of the parish at least 3 months prior to the start of the school year and contribute their time, talent and treasure (tithing $1300/year) to the Church. The parishioner tuition rate also requires that at least one parent in the family is a practicing Catholic and that the child or children who are students in the school be baptized and participate in the sacramental life of the parish.

PRESCHOOL Tuition and Fees

Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is as follows:

Tuition Registration Fee

**There are no parishioner or multi-child discounts for preschool.

**Registration fees are payable in the school office.

**Before June 1 for the upcoming academic year, you will need to go to www.enrollwithsmart.com to set up your Smart Tuition account.  Annual preschool fees can be paid in full in August of the school year, by semester in August and January or monthly August through May of the school year.