Herschel W. Gulley, 1948



Name: Herschel W. Gulley

What year did you graduation from STA: 1946-48  (graduated from St. Joe’s)

After STA, you graduated from: Carmel H.S. , Bradley,  University of Illinois Extension, Danville Community College, John Heron School of Art, Harper University, Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Graceland University.

Where do you live now?  Peru, Indiana

Please tell us about your family: Married 59 years to Susan, 3 sons and 8 grandchildren.

What have you been up to since leaving STA? Learn more about the Gulley Foundation and Herschel’s profile HERE

What is your favorite STA memory? First Communion, flower procession with a harp playing beautiful music.  Recess was also a great memory!  Playing with my older brother, the Marshalls and the McKinneys.

What do you like to do in your spare time? Watch movies, eat, and naps!

What words of advice would you offer a current STA student?  Listen to your teachers when they say “Pray that God will show you your vocation and give you the wisdom, knowledge, strength, and joy to carry it out.”  I asked my friend Orville Redenbacher that question – this is what he said:  “Find something that you love to do and you will never work a day in your life!  Work from sun to sun 6 days a week and you will have plenty of money for fun. “

Is there any other information you would like to share about yourself?  Is it true I was invited more than once to Bob Hope’s birthday parties?  Did I have other friends like Orville Redenbacher, Coach Gene Keady, Pat Robertson, Former Kentucky Governor Julian Caroll?  Yes, it’s all true but the biggest thing I learned at STA was that all mighty God introduced me to His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, and sent his holy spirit to protect and guide me.

Let’s get all the old alumni from the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s together to reminisce!


By |2022-01-22T19:50:36-05:00January 22nd, 2022|Alumni Spotlight|0 Comments

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