Name: Margaret Bennett

Position: Kindergarten Teacher’s Aide


Year started at St. Thomas Aquinas: 2002


Attended Indiana University and studied Art (1985)

Fairview Early Childhood Program  – 1998-2002

St. Thomas Aquinas – 2002 – present

Favorite Book: To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Favorite Quote:

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can” — Unknown

About you:  I’ve been a parishioner at St. Thomas for most of my life.   Both of my kids graduated from STA.  Cy, my son, is in South Korea to teach English for the year.  He worked as an industrial designer, after graduating from Notre Dame.  My daughter, Grace, is a sophomore at Indiana University and is studying Dietetics and Psychology.  My husband, Ken, has an advocacy based law practice which focuses on the needs of neglected older adults.

Interests and hobbies: Art (taking it in and creating it), gardening, reading, sports, music

Guilty pleasures People magazine, Netflix, and coffee

I’m grateful for love; it’s the source of everything.