Scan to Give: Click this QR Code using the camera on your phone to make a gift to our parish or visit our giving page HERE.
Online Giving: If you are giving online, please remember to keep your profile information current. This includes payment information and contact information.
Unclaimed Stock Contributions: Currently there are several unclaimed stock contributions that are on the Archdiocese’s Office of Stewardship and Development Unclaimed list because the gifts cannot be matched to a donor. If you have made a stock contribution in support of any entity within the Archdiocese of Indianapolis from June 2023 to mid- September 2024, please notify the Archdiocese Office of Stewardship & Development at 317-236-1415 of the transfer (in addition to your broker). Also, you can find secure electronic forms for giving stock and IRA gifts on the Archdiocese’s Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) website .
NOTE: Parish Envelopes: Are you giving online and throwing away your monthly envelopes? If you would like to stop your giving envelopes, please call the Parish Office at (317) 253-1461 or email us at . And, we will take care of it for you.