Laudato Si’ Lenten Calendar

In his encyclical, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis calls us to live in right-relationship with God, our neighbors, and with the Earth.  The Laudato Si’ goals offer a framework to examine our lives and make changes based on the principles in Laudato Si’.  During the season of Lent, a weekly Lenten calendar will offer actions and reflections based on the 7 Laudato Si’ goals with a different goal each week.  Week 2 features Ecological Education.

Week 2: Ecological Education

Sunday, 2/26 – The Laudato Si’ goal “Ecological Education” asks us to educate ourselves and others about the wonders of nature and the challenges of the climate and biodiversity crisis in order to foster ecological awareness and transformative action.

Prayer: God of Knowledge and Virtue, help us to grow in solidarity, responsibility and compassionate care.  Open our minds and hearts to the wonders of our world.  May our schools and universities, in particular, promote education that can help to restore harmony within ourselves, with others, with nature and other living creatures, and with God.

Monday, 2/27 – Have you read Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’?  This teaching document applies the traditional teachings of the Church to the connected social and environmental crises of our time.  Consider reading or re-reading one chapter each week during Lent.  The encyclical is widely available and can be downloaded (Laudato Si’ Encyclical).

Tuesday, 2/28 – The Archdiocese of Indianapolis and St. Thomas Aquinas Church have enrolled in the Laudato Si Action Platform (LSAP).  Families and individuals are encouraged to enroll as well. Learn more about the Laudato Si Action Platform by exploring their website: Laudato Si’ Action Platform (

Wednesday, 3/1 – The Archdiocese of Indianapolis (ArchIndy Creation Care Ministry) has created a website that provides a lot of educational resources for exploring how we can move towards more sustainable lifestyles. See a list of resources and take a closer look at one of them: Resources (

Thursday, 3/2 – Educate yourself on ecological issues such as the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity

Friday, 3/3 – In moving towards the integral ecology mindset called for by Pope Francis in Laudato Si, it is helpful to hear about the experiences of others. Check out the second 2023 webinar from the Laudato Si Action Platform: Daily Ecology in a World Where Everything Is Connected  (Begin at 5:00)

Saturday, 3/4 – Watch a nature documentary such as “Our Planet”, “My Octopus Teacher” or “March of the Penguins” with your family.  Google “Best Nature Documentaries” to get ideas.