Boys Volleyball Call out!

Hello, all 5th-8th grade BOYS from IHM and St. Thomas! Volleyball season is right around the corner – below are some dates and times to make note of as well as registration information. Looking forward to another great season!

Registration is NOW OPEN – and will close on November 1st.

Evaluations Dates and Times:
All Boys 5th-8th: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 5/6 Boys 5:30-7:00pm and 7/8 Boys 7:00-8:30pm
All Boys: 5th-8th Sunday, November 7, 2021 5/6 Boys 1:30-2:30pm and 7/8 Boys 2:30-3:30pm

Practice and Game Schedule:
· Practices will start the first week of January. Schedule will come out in December.
· Gym time permitting we will have 2 practices a week until games begin.
· Games start the first week of February and run through the 2nd week of March.
· We play 6 games a season and then the postseason single elimination tournament

We are always looking for additional coaches to add to our group – if interested contact – Christine Konvolinka at or 317-697-7757

To register for any sport at IHM you must complete the following steps:
1. Register through the IHM website and pay registration fees. CYO Athletics – Immaculate Heart of Mary – Immaculate Heart Of Mary
2. Register with the CYO central office. No fee is required.
FOR BOYS VOLLEYBALL: The dual registration code for IHM / St. Thomas is 163IHM-IN.
3. Have an annual physical conducted and turn in form in the IHM parish/school office.
4. Read, complete, and sign the concussion and sudden cardiac arrest awareness form. Turn in forms to IHM parish office.