Guided Discussion Questions from IndyCAN for the STA Community

Luke 9:12-17 – Jesus feeds the hungry crowd of 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish; all ate and were filled.

We as people of faith believe in the abundance of God’s communities and that by working together, there is more to go around. IndyCAN would like your input to the following questions:

Question: If Indianapolis truly reflected God’s values of Abundance, Community and Human Dignity, what would Indianapolis look like?

Question: Mass Transit, Re-entry, Citizenship, Increased Violence, and Opportunity to Jobs are situations the community is looking to change. How have these areas impacted our community?

Question:  What suggestions would you have to improve the “opportunity for all” in our community?

Please send responses to Cheryl Taylor at

Responses will be reported as aggregated data and will not be identified with any individual. The STA IndyCAN committee appreciates your participation as IndyCAN moves forward with strategic planning.